Life with Boys...

I can't really say that accidents that occur in life are more frequent when you have boys... After all, I was the most accident prone kid myself. The good news is that, like their mommy, my boys may have had puntures, insect bites, bumps, bruises and staples, but at least they haven't broken anything yet. :)
Bryan's pediatrician insisted that we bring him to her instead of the E.R (thank God!). She loves my boys so much and I couldn't ask for a better doctor for my family. She calls Bryan "My angel" and felt so bad for him. She explained the concept of staples in his head and even explained that it was a special Doctor's stapler, not a normal one (as in don't try this at home kids). She was so patient, even by the millionth time Bryan asked: "Excuse me, Dr. Sadler? Is this going to hurt?" He was very brave though and didn't cry at all! Another experience checked off the list...