
Today I am grateful for my dad. For all my life he has been my hero; my role model. Being in the Marine Corps for all of my childhood meant that we spent more time apart than I would have liked and for the past 7 years he and mom have been off on more adventures around the world. However, no matter how far away he is, he takes the time to connect with me, to talk and laugh. Not just with me, but with his grandsons. They know him and love him and admire him, even from the other side of the globe. No one needs to tell me how very blessed I am to witness and be part of this relationship. It would be so easy for him to take the easy way out and not call, not email, not share photos, not send packages, not acknowledge milestones - simply because he is so far away. But he works at it and the boys may not know it, but I know it and I love him all the more for all of the effort he puts into it. One day the boys will also really know it too...